Tuesday, August 31, 2004

3 Days and Counting

You can smell expectations in the air. Before I continue; God bless AJAIC and God bless America. In my attempt to keep AJAIC Oeste informed, I would like to say that everything is under control. I havent been this exited about something since I got to visit my brother in Germany early this year. The feeling that something big is going to happen this weekend in Alpine is shared by people from different walks; from the first time camper to a 16th time retreat veteran. As for me, the task at hand is to make sure that the registration process goes smooth to avoid any unpleasant moments. Last night I went to bed at 12:34am printing name tags; I am not done yet but I should be done before Wednesday. The shirts are ready; huge in raising funds and keeping AJAIC Oeste financially healthy. Collectively, we are trying to get as much of the details out of the way before we get to the camp so that we might be better prepared to attack issues that come up on the spot. We hope to see you there and please let your voice be heard; post a comment. In God We Trust.


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    You go boy!!! .:Ariel:.

  2. Eperamos una rica bendicion departe de nuestro Trino Dios.


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