Monday, June 15, 2009

AJAIC D.O. Retiro 2009

El retiro anual de AJAIC Distrito Oeste ya se acerca! El lema de este ano es:


Haz cita para unirte con todos los jovenes que vendran a adorar a Dios con todas sus fuerzas.

Septiembre 11 - 13, 2009

Pinecrest Christian Conference Center

1140 Pine Crest Rd.

Twin Peaks, CA 92391

Costo: $125

Primer Deposito
(Junio 12): $70

Pago Final
(Agosto 14): $55

Para mas informacion, llamar a: 562.619.2302 / 562.755.9097


  1. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Ok before anyone says anything about the price let me just say....can we really put a price on God's blessing and feeling the Holy Spirit?! I understand that God is everywhere and we can receive the touch from the Holy Spirit anywhere because God is everywhere. However, when we get away and put our complete focus on worshiping him with youth that are there for the same purpose...his presence is felt in SUCH a special way. I have gone to more than 5 youth retreats and have always come home filled with the Holy's amazing! coming down from camp I start thinking...I can't wait to go back! The price I payed to go up to that camp does not even cross my mind. God is amazing! if we sacrifice $125 to go up and worship is nothing compared to the price He payed for us onthat cross. God blesses us always, so money should not even be an issue. I urge you to save that money, borrow it from somewhere, sacrifice buying an expensive purse, some expensive phone...all that will be thrown to the trash one day. Just think how amazing His blessing will be...God's blessings/ touch by the Holy Spirit is always memorable and a life changing experience.

    God has been speaking to AJAIC since the beginning of this year with that amazing first confraternity. God always does amazing things but this year I have personally felt something stronger I can't even explain. Now if we all get together and make that sacrifice to go up to that mountain and worship him with all our heart....aaahhh!!! I can't even put it into words. Please urge the youth from your church to go. I know you feel in your heart to go...if you're the only one in your church don't stay quiet about it!....motivate the youth!!!!

    I can't wait for that glorious retreat! The youth needs to start prayer and fasting since now to be ready and pumped for that retreat. I personally have had a difficult time receiving my blessing when I go up that mountain without prayer and fasting...I don't come back empty handed because God is just that amazing, but prayer is the key to receive a wonderful blessing. However, when I go to the retrets, confraternities, services after having prayed and fasted it's AMAZING!!! I will pray for AJAIC because I have faith in us and that this year the retreat will be off the hook amazing lol.

    I truly feel this year God has something extra special in store for us! Go to that part of that amazing experience!God Bless AJAIC.

    P.S. Directiva keep it up! You guys have been doing great this year...pray for us;that that this retreat will be a like nothing EVER seen or heard of before. I have faith it will be that way!

  2. Anonymous5:16 PM


    Glory to God, couldn't have said it better.

  3. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Yes! I couldn't agree more. Yes the economy is tuff, but u must remember that our economy doesn't depend on the stock market or real estate values!! Our economy depends on the owner of all riches!
    So let's stop making excuses on the price because u sure wouldn't have thought about spending that much on a pair of shoes, an iphone, or much less a Laker game!
    So let's all go and conquer that mountain TOGETHER AS ONE!!
    God Bless you all!! God Bless AJAIC!!

  4. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Wow! That was so amazing! Your message was really touching. I felt like it was speaking just to me. Now, I just hope I can make it!
    May God bless you & AjAiC!!

  5. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Who's speaking?


What do you have to say? Don't be Shy
