Monday, June 01, 2009

Finals Week Inspirational

Psalm 37:23-24 says, "If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand." NIV

Amidst finals week, it is easy to lose sight of God's promises made in scripture. Life can get busy during this time with moving out, saying goodbye to friends, and finalizing summer (and for some- life) plans. We can be assured that if we seek God in our decisions and our plans, he will lead our steps in the way he would have us go.
In verse 24 it says, "though he stumble." Stumble here means "to fall, lie, be cast down, or fail." Some of us may face failure this week, whether it is not passing a class, or simply not meeting a goal we had set for ourselves. There are many other ways we may be struggling this week. God is continually shaping us into the men and women we will be for eternity. While it is true that God desires good for his people, he will let us face hard times if we can learn in our struggles and grow as people. Once again, the verse says "though he stumble", the Christian can thus expect not only good but also difficulties in this life. Reading on, the verse says "he will not fall". God will not let us be utterly cast down. The Lord himself is our rescuer, who "upholds him with his hand". Uphold here means to lean, lay, rest, and support. It also means to sustain, refresh, and revive. Allow God to revive you from this week of chaos. Let the words of the psalmist sink in and transform your perspective on your current situation. Know that you will never be completely abandoned by God and that you are being transformed immensely through any struggle you face as you seek the Lord.

Amanda Caldwell
PBA University

Are you right in the middle of finals or are you done with finals? Tell us what school you are attending and share your thoughts regarding your finals week.
Cheers up! Summer is around the corner!!


  1. Ariel3:32 PM

    Im attending Instituto Biblico AIC. I have my last final tonight. This final is the least of my worries. Last week, i had the final for my Hechos y Epistolas class. It is 100 questions. I can say: Hasta aqui me a ayudado Jehova... LOL


  2. Anonymous4:05 PM

    well, i attend LBSU
    and i'm done with finals!
    tonight i have my last final
    for ITAIC annnnnd im looking fwd to the summer!

    Can't wait!

  3. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I attend Cal State Long Beach! woot woot! I was done with finals May 22nd but Oh Dear Jesus! this has been the most challenging semester! I had a chem lab final, bio lec final, phys final, chem lec final, and human sexuality final. I'm looking at an even more challenging semester this coming fall so pray for me!!! God Bless....common people share...we want to know how AJAIC is doing or did during finals!


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