Wednesday, July 28, 2004

AJAIC Presente en Colorado

Aurora, CO
God bless everyone. The picture above is from our recent trip to Iglesia Liberacion y Poder de Dios. It was a powerful experience, we were invited to the "campaña de jovenes" and we're glad we made it. The flight from LAX to CO wasn't bad, about 2 hours long. The airport in Denver is pretty new and well designed. In church we were impacted by the manifestation of God's awesome power over the youth. The word was brought by Israel "candelita" from Puerto Rico. We are thankful to Willie, his family and the youth for taking good care of us. Its nice to know that God is doing big things not just in our neck of the woods but in so many places. "Dios no tiene limites".  The youth from Colorado are making plans to be actively present at our anticipated retreat. May God open doors for as many of them to come. Lets keep the youth from Colorado in our prayers. Stay up.

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