Monday, August 02, 2004

On Schedule

God bless you all, the picture above is from Sunday 7/18/04. Here you can appreciate some of AJAIC finest. We had a great time hanging out with AJAIC from other districts. Moving forward, we would like to thank all of you who made the extra effort to pay your deposit of $ 30 on time. That only makes the registration process easier. Your place has been reserved and we are looking forward in participating in the tremendous blessing God has in store for us. To complete your registration, the balance of $ 50 needs to paid by August 23. We still have open spaces left, therefore if you know of anyone who hasnt paid their deposit yet; please let them know they can still pay until 8/8/04 or further notice. Also, as a reminder we will be selling T-shirts and the group picture. We suggest you bring some extra cash to get a hold of these souvenirs (memories). Dios nos continue bendiciendo . Stay up! Todays verse is: "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says" James 1:22.

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