Friday, December 31, 2004

Se Va... Se Fue

The current year is packing its bags and leaving for good. The New Year is waiting outside the door ready to come in. For the laid back crowd, bringing in the New Year is just another day. To the celebration-craved bunch the New Year is an opportunity to party. What do you think? The transition of years can be times of reflection were we could count our blessings. Maybe not everything went your way in 2004 but at least your breathing to think about it. Lets keep in mind that God is always with us, till the very end. The New Year will have its challenges, but believe that God will see us through. I pray that His will be done in your life in the coming year and always. Only with Christ can it be a happy and prosperous new year.


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    ...Amen!!! -=Ariel=-

  2. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Dear Geoffrey I am waiting for your next publication......
    Keep it up and may the Lord keep on giving you the inspiration to cotinue to be a blessing to all Ajaicanos!!!
    Blessing to you!!!


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