Friday, July 23, 2004

AJAIC Unida Representado

AJAIC  Torrance, CA
Que la paz de Cristo abunde en ti! La semana de Julio 12 al 19  del 2004 tubimos la bendicion de poder compartir con jovenes miembros de AJAIC representando los diferentes distritos como lo son Este, Medio Este, Sur Este y de otros paises. Fue una experiencia el poder conversar y crear puentes de amistad y hermandad. Joven, no estas solo. Primeramente Dios siempre estara contigo, luego hay otros jovenes "ajaicenos" atravez del planeta que han tomado la mejor decision que hemos tomado de seguir a Cristo. Estamos agradecidos con Dios por las muchas memorias que tenemos de estos tiempos inolvidables. La batalla continua, por tanto ahora mas que antes tenemos que ponermos toda la armadura de Dios y cambiar de posicion defensiva a una de ofensiva contra las huestes del mal. Para concluir recuerda " Pues aunque andamos en la carne, no militamos según la carne; porque las armas de nuestra milicia no son carnales, sino poderosas en Dios para la destrucción de fortalezas" 2 Corintios 10:3-4.


  1. OT, your comments are deep bro. God inded is faithful and he deserves that give our best in being faithful in return. We need raise up! The convention was a blast, I was glad to be there and to hang out with other brothers and sisters. I still rememer the 9 mile walk to Norms.

  2. A.C. I am sorry but I deleted your comment on error. I tried to "undo" but I wasnt able. We appreciate your participation on this site and look forward to keep on hearing from you. I was able to read your comment and it was quite challenging I just wish other people could've seen it. If you dont mind you can try posting your comment again. Thanks, and again sorry.

  3. Yo Kenfis,
    It was great having you guys out here, its reinforcing to see that theres other people fighting the same fight somewhere else. It was a dark night and it felt like we were following Moses through the dessert, the promise land being "Norms". BELTRE MVP, Dodgers all tha way and we cant wait to see you guys again. Stay up!


What do you have to say? Don't be Shy
