Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Conferencia de Jovenes

Friday, February 3rd @ 7pm
Iglesia Puerta del Cielo
Conferencista :: Dr. Felipe Figueroa

Any questions? Call 323.251.9708. Stay strong and God bless you even more.


  1. 10 TIPS 4 SUCCESS!

    1. Give God what's right -- not what's left.

    2. Man's way leads to a hopeless end -- God's way leads to an endless hope.

    3. A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing.

    4. He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.

    5. When praying, don't give God instructions - just report for duty.

    6. WARNING: Exposure to the Son may prevent burning.

    7. Plan ahead -- It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

    8. Exercise daily -- walk with the Lord.

    9. Give Satan an inch & he'll be a ruler.

    10. Read the Bible -- It will scare the hell out of you.

  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Dude...where is everybody???

    Espero que no haiga surgido el arrebatamiento!!!


  3. Anonymous10:54 AM


    B: Basic
    I: Instructions
    B: Before
    L: Leaving
    E: Earth



  4. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Este evento es una conferencia o confraternidad?

  5. Anonymous10:13 PM

    whats the difference?

  6. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The event is a conference.

    There is no major difference. The format of the service is a bit different. the preaching is not really a preaching its more of a teaching on a specific topic. Topics which normally are not touched at a regular church service in which the youth will have the opportunity to ask questions.

  7. Anonymous11:49 AM

    God bless all the young saints out there. Whenever you have the chance check this out.

  8. Anonymous5:21 PM

    No need to get rude, I was just wondering if it was going to be a conference or a confraternidad, because there is a difference. As noted above; at the conference we have the opportunity to ask questions or express concerns or doubts we may have to the person who is leading the conference/teaching. And like I said it was just a question, God bless you.

  9. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Anybody check out this site yet "eingetragene"? It sounds like a virus to me.

  10. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Bendiciones para todo AJAIC
    agradezco a nuestra presidenta Jenny y su directiva por la oportunidad de poder saludar a ajaic la noche de la actividad de AJAIC. Quiero extender mi agradecimiento por la colaboracion economica y espiritual dada a mi persona.
    Sobre la conferencia expuesta quiero dar mi opinion personal; sin temor a equivocarme a sido una de las predicaciones o sermones mas completos que yo haya asistido pues no solo aprendi terminos medicos pero la importancia de ser mas instruido en esa area que aparentemente censuramos en nuestros altares. Fue como un despertar para mi vida a la cruel y dificil realidad que vivimos. Gracias AJAIC por dicha ensenanza me encanta la idea de continuar cultivando nuestra juventud con charlas tan practicas pero tan indispensables.


    tu opinion despierta mi atencion


  11. Anonymous2:44 PM

    God Bless You All!!!

    Yesterday was great, very interesting conferencia; got to see many youth I hadn't seen for a while; hope we have another confraternidad soon.

    Quick question. I remember back in the day when i was with the juveniles, we used to have confraternidades every month. I really miss that!! What happened??? Is there anything we can do to bring that back because I really think we need it, especially in these days that we are living in. At church we rarely touch on subjects that affect our youth in these days, and the topics that are discussed at the confraternidades/conferencias are very helpful and spiritually fufilling. What do you guys think????

    Quick shout out to the half of AJAIC that decided to meet at Bellflower's Denny's after the service, lol, it was fun!!!

    Well, hope you all have a great weekend..and remember ADELANTE JUVENTUD CRISTIANA, QUE JESUS TE LLAMA A SERVIRLE CON AMOR!!!!


  12. Anonymous1:47 AM

    "eingetragene" takes you to a mary mary video. its cool. no harm no foul.

  13. Queiro felizitar a nuestra hermana L.R Jenny Barco y su directiva por el tremendo trabajo que llevaron acabo este viernes pasado.

    El Dr. Figueroa trajo una poderosa conferencia. Halli Dios me permitio aprender varias cosas que yo transmitire a otros para mejoramiento espiritual.

    Directiva de AJAIC; ADELANTE que ningun comentario negativo o positivo te haga perder la vision de Dios que esta EN TI... Pelearan contra ti pero no te venceran,

    Su hermano y amigo,

    Tony Alvarez

  14. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Those guys on percusion were tight!

  15. Anonymous2:23 PM

    what was the topic about at the conferencia?

  16. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Mononucleosis and that girls are venomous

  17. Anonymous1:47 PM

    MONONUCLEOSIS (also known as mono, the kissing disease, Pfeiffer's disease, and glandular fever) is a disease seen most commonly in adolescents and young adults, characterized by fever, sore throat and fatigue. It is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or the cytomegalovirus (CMV). It is typically transmitted through saliva or blood, often through kissing, or by sharing a drinking glass, eating utensil or needle. The disease is far less contagious than is commonly thought. Since the causative virus is also found in the mucus of the infected person, it can also spread through coughing or sneezing.

  18. Anonymous8:29 AM

    The Doc/Rev mentioned that female pH is more alkaline...

    this does not mean that we ARE venomous, but we CAN be...

    all my alkaline love to you,


  19. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Why was the conferencia about diseases and things like that? Who's idea was it to talk about this topic?

  20. Anonymous3:01 PM



  21. Anonymous4:32 PM

    No, it wasn't just about diseases and things like that. Maybe if you would've gone you would know. Who's idea was it? Not sure, but whoever it was, I'd like to say that it was an EXCELLENT idea.

  22. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I have to admit that in the beginning of the conferencia I was like, "whaaaaat...since when do we have biology lectures in church!!"...I was not getting the reason as to why he was explaining the whole biological process on how Mononucleosis develops in the human body. But towars the middle of the conferencia, I grasped the whole concept quite well. Sometimes we need to really need to analytically see these emerging diseases that are affecting people everywhere in order to give us all a "heads-up" and warning that we are living in crazy times where people are having sexual relationships with dead corpses (and causing maggots to multiply in your body)..I still can't get over that...that was soooo gross. These crazy people are spreading diseases on to others who are living a disorderly life. For if you really lived your life as God wants you to, none of these things will plague your life. All these surging diseases are consequences of our sins.

    Well, this is my view on the topic.


  23. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I really wish he would've had time to really talk about everything that he had prepared. I'm sure there will be another opportunity.
    p.s. shout out to all my ROCA peeps.

  24. Anonymous1:09 PM


    Annette. =)

  25. Anonymous4:32 PM

    valentines day is a pagan holiday. comes from the greek goddes of lust and sexuality! be more aware of all these things!

  26. Anonymous5:15 PM

    --Hello and God Bless you all. Hope everyone is having a wonderful, victorious week!!!

    I just thought you guys might want to check this site out on the origins of Valentine's Day.

    Now and days we seem to be taken everything for granted and not looking beyond what the eye can see. Yeah, many of you may be thinking..."shees, some people just think everything is bad and we can't do anything anymore, just go to church and be super saints..." Although it may seem that way, we must all realize that we are living in the last days before God comes for his church. Debemos de estar listos y alertas sobre todo lo que esta occuriendo porque el enemigo es super inteligente y astuto, y sabe como enganar a los cristianos que no estan bien fundados en la fe.

    Love you all in the love of God, take care and God Bless.


  27. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Where is everybody??? Has everyone left to Myspace???

    Ana Banana

  28. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Where's everyone at? you guys dont even write to say hello anymore! Anyways, im just want to say hello to all of AJAIC. I hope you guys have a great week! God Bless you all!



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