Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Convencion Anual 2006

Sabado 1 de Abril del 2006 @ 9a

Roca de Salvacion
24100 S. Avalon Blvd
Carson, CA

Preacher : Evangelista Roberto Lugo

Changing it up a little, we would like to thank Anayeli Hernandez for her hard work and achievements as representative of Circuito Norte during the past fiscal year. Also, we would like to congratulate Geovanna Ferretti as she was elected to be the new representative this year.

Dios nos bendiga mas.


  1. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S Gio!!! God Bless you Sis. Adelante y pal cielo!
    Sista Cha Cha

  2. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Lugo is preaching

  3. Anonymous2:20 PM

    are you serious?

  4. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Lugo has been really sick in PR with the asthma thing.

    PRAYER changes things. Let's keep a brother in prayer.

    Who loves you Roberto? Your Big Sista Cha Cha ;) and God loves you more!!!

  5. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Oh, and, it's Good to be back home. I love you AJAIC. Animo Directiva! Your Convention is going to be the best!

    In Christ,

  6. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Blessings to all.........

    Tony Alvarez

  7. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Convencion esta a la vuelta de la esquina.... cuantos vamos a asistir?
    Preparate joven para seguir corriendo la carrera! Dios necesita jovenes valientes y esforzados para su representacion: Tu puedes hacer esa parte!

    Todos queremos a Lugito.....
    Esperemos en Dios que sigua mejor.
    (Maybe He just need to move to LA?)

  8. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Why do we have to pay to get in?

  9. Anonymous8:05 AM

    it's not payment to the event, the $5, $3 are membership fees.

    Ajaic is something we belong to, and so there is a small fee.

    if we look at other councils or youth groups for their conventions run up to $150 per person.

    yet this youth group only asks for up to $5.

    that is nothing, it does not even cover meal cost.

    plus these fee is not supose cover food cost.

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  12. Felicidades a los presidentes de los circuitos (Gio congrats y adelante!)

    Here you are some pics from the AJAIC DMO Convention courtesy of the Paparazzi Team...

    Enjoy the photos and God bless!

    your sister in Chicago,

    Vida Perez

  13. Anonymous12:40 PM

    God Bless you all,

    just want to say it was a pleasure and a honor working for the Lord in AJAIC C.N., it was an experience I will never forget. I want to specially thank Sister Jenny Barco and Jrod Ministries for all their help and support to curcuito Norte. God bless Gio and the new directive for circuito Norte and lets make a Revolution for Christ !!!

    God bless you all,
    Anayeli Hernandez

  14. Anonymous3:15 PM


    Isn't it great to experience the victory of finishing an assignment for God when the enemy made it seem sometimes like you wouldn't make it to the end? Glory to God! We pray that God continue giving you victory after victory "hasta llegar al cielo!"

    In Christ,

    Chachi ;)

  15. Anonymous9:09 PM

    All the jovenes from Monte Santo would like to congratulate the directiva for a job well done this past year.

  16. Dios bendiga a todos los santos.

    Felicitaciones a la Directiva de Jovenes Distrito Oeste por un trabajo excelente.

    Unos textos especiales:
    1. Lamentaciones 3:23, 24
    2. Isaias 45:2, 3

    Alguien mas tiene algun texto de aliento para esta directiva esforzada y valiente ? ?

    This is the time for encouragement, let's hear from all of the jovenes of AJAIC, D.O.


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  18. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Unfortunately I was unable to attend the convention, are the new officials going to be posted on this web page for all of us to see?
    I'd also like to congratulate the outgoing directiva for making it a good year, God bless each and everyone of you. To the new directiva-God bless you guys too, and always depend on God.

  19. This will be a year of God’s power and glory in AJAIC. That was a great representation from our North Circuit! And Ariel...Dios te bendiga! The tribute to our Pastor was awesome!!! I thought I was the only one crying till I took a look around. That made quite an impact on us who are still here on earth.

    Te botastes Jenny!! Esta Convención estuvo brutal!!!! No me habia gozao asi en una AJAIC Convención en mucho tiempo. Oh, and what a message God gave us through the preacher!!!!!

    O.T. I can’t believe you wouldn’t run again! You know we love you and will continue praying that God keep using you in the music ministry.

    Well, let me leave some room here for other comments ; ) -And DIRECTIVA 2006-2007, Congratulations and God Bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sista C C

  20. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Congratulation to new directiva:
    Presidenta: Jenny Barco
    Vice-Pre: John Hernandez
    Secretaria: Karina Melgoza
    Sub-sec: Vanessa Garcia
    Tesorera: Leslie Barco
    Sub-Tes: David de la Cruz
    Vocales: 1. Esther Alfaro
    2. Anthony Hernandez
    3. Ivan
    May the Lord keep adding new victories to AJAIC this 2006!!!
    The videos were great. Remembering Pastor Rogelio was a blessing to my life. I enjoy the video from retreat and the activities video click.
    Great job directiva 2005! Well done

  21. Que Dios bendiga a AJAIC Distrito Oeste! Me de tanto gozo saber el exito que tuvieron en su convencion! Felicidades a la nueva directiva.

    Jenny...Dios sabe lo que hace, adelante. Y al resto de la directiva (que espero pronto conocerlos) mano a la obra que el galardon lo dara Dios. ¡El es fiel!

    Saludos desde Chicago y de todo el Distrito Medio Oeste

    Dios le bendiga mucho

    LR. Vida Pérez
    Presidente 06 - 08

  22. ...Some photos you may not have seen ...enjoy

    Convencion de AJAIC DMO - Apertura

    Convencion de AJAIC DMO

    1er Jubileo Multi-Distrital de AJAIC

    Campamento de AJAIC DSE

  23. I'm just dropping by to say God bless AJAIC and its new leadership. May this year be one of victory and growth. Geoffrey

  24. Anonymous7:27 PM

    God Bless Everyone. Hey, does anyone know when our picnic is???

  25. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Hey everybody some of ajaic's members from SAN DIEGO want to know when are you going to post pictures of the convencion. GB.

  26. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Hey everybody, NACION SANTA is supposed to be at Roca next week sometime, either Saturday or Sunday. Just an FYI.

  27. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Anyone has more information? I would like to go. God bless. _geo

  28. Anonymous3:45 PM

    sorry for the delay. from what i understand, nacion santa is going to be at Roca this Saturday the 29th. Service starts @ 7 I believe.

  29. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Hey GOD bless you. we are looking foward to attend at Lberacion 2006!! at Patten University in Okland. We invite all of those who want to come and especially amigos who dont know CHRIST. Apoyemos a Robertito. GOD bless you juventud!!!


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